Saturday, November 19, 2005

i am not quite sure what their excuse was, but the police tried to arrest some people - and managed to arrest this person - who were picketing outside the "Le Bible Parle" Church in Cartierville, where the anti-choice conference was being held today. They held this person face down on the ground in the cold for at least fifteen minutes.

a photo taken at today's demonstration against the Canadian "National Pro-Life Conference 2005" that was being held in Montreal. The protests managed to get St-Joseph's Oratory - where the conference had been supposed to take place - to cancel, and so they had to switch to a small evangelical church in Cartierville, in North Montreal.

The banner reads "Oh, if Mary had only had an abortion"

Friday, November 18, 2005

this image from the button sold thruogh Kersplebedeb - for more Women's Liberation buttons click here!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Eighth Montreal international documentary film festival

Starting today, and until the 20th, it is the Eighth Montreal International Documentary Film Festival i’ll be there will you?

Friday, November 04, 2005

trust the United Nations to tell us what we've all known for years...

Montreal cops blasted for crowd-handling skills
Canadian Press, November 4th 2005

MONTREAL — A United Nations committee has harshly criticized the way Montreal police crack down on protesters at demonstrations.
The report, released by the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, cites the Montreal force's tendency to arrest large numbers of people at demonstrations.
According to the report, the tactic often leads to the arrest of innocent bystanders and people who have the right to express dissent.
The report says Montreal police "should ensure that the rights of persons to peacefully participate in social protests are respected and ensure that only those committing criminal offences during demonstrations are arrested."
Close to 2,000 protesters have been arrested by Montreal police since 1999, more than any other Canadian city, the UN human rights committee says.
The report notes that at a G8 protest in 2002, 350 people were arrested. All of them were found not guilty.
The report also points out that at a demonstration against the World Trade Organization in 2003, 243 people were arrested, only to have every charge dropped 18 months later.
The report recommends that an inquiry be established look into how the force deals with demonstrators.
A police spokesperson told local television reporters that the force was "looking into" the report.

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